
枸櫞酸鉍鉀 Bismuth Potassium Citrate

產(chǎn)品中心 > 原料藥產(chǎn)品 > 枸櫞酸鉍鉀 Bismuth Potassium Citrate

枸櫞酸鉍鉀 Bismuth Potassium Citrate

明珠制藥 傳承健康 試制未來(lái)

分子式Molecular fomula:BiK2C6H7O7.H2O

分子量Molecular weight:495.98



Description:This product is white powder; has salty taste and easily absorbmoisture. Easily dissolve in the water, slightly dissolve in theethanol.

Usage:Use for chronic gastritis and relief of stomachache, stomach burningsensation and sour regurgitation caused by overmuch gastric acid; aswell gastric ulcer, duodenal ulcer etc.

質(zhì)量標準 Quality standard: 中國藥典2005年版 CP 2005

檢測項目 Test

檢測標準 Specification

干燥失重 Loss on dry


(Cu) Copper


(Pb) Lead


硫酸鹽 Sulfate


酸堿度 Potential of hydrogen(PH)

60 ~ 80

硝酸鹽 Nitrate

按照標準Accord with require

含氨量 Content of ammonia

2% ~ 6%

含量(以Bi計)Content of Bismuth

35.0% ~ 38.5%

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